Influence of topography and land management on soil nutrients variability in Northeast China |
张少良 |
Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst |
2010 |
Responses of Soil Nematode Community Structures to Different Long-term Fertilizer Strategies in the Soybean Phase of a Soybean-Wheat-Corn Rotation |
潘凤娟 |
European Journal of Soil Biology |
2010 |
Effect of dietary supplement of seed of a halophyte (Suaeha glauca) on feed and water intake, diet digestibility, animal performance and serum biochemistry in lambs |
孙海霞 |
Livestock Science |
2010 |
Influence of sowing date on phenological stages, seed growth and marketable yield of four vegetable soybean cultivars in North-eastern USA |
张秋英 |
African Journal of Agricultural Research |
2010 |
Composition and Organic Carbon Distribution of Organomineral Complex in Black Soil under Different Land Uses and Management Systems |
侯雪莹 |
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis |
2010 |
Two coordinately regulated homologs of FLOWERING LOCUS T are involved in the control of photoperiodic flowering in soybean |
孔凡江 |
Plant physiology |
2010 |
QTL mapping for photoperiod insensitivity of a japanese soybean landrace sakamotowase |
刘宝辉 |
Journal of Heredity |
2010 |
The soybean stem growth habit gene Dt1 is an ortholog of Arabidopsis TERMINAL FLOWER1 |
刘宝辉 |
2010 |
Impact of long term fertilization on soil water content in Haploborolls. |
宋春雨 |
Plant Soil Environ |
2010 |
Impact of Soil Temperature and Moisture on Mehlich-3 and Morgan Soil Test Phosphorus. |
宋春雨 |
Soil Science. |
2010 |
Genetic improvement of yield shapes the temporal and spatial root morphology of soybean (Glycine max) grown in north-east China. |
金剑 |
New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science |
2010 |
Agronomic and physiological contributions to yield improvement of soybean cultivars released from 1950 to 2006 in Northeast China. |
金剑 |
Field Crops Research |
2010 |
Soil degradation a problem threatening the sustainable development of agriculture in Northeast China. |
刘晓冰 |
Plant Soil and Environment |
2010 |
Feeding Chinas growing needs for grain |
刘晓冰 |
Nature |
2010 |
Novel cyanophage photosynthetic gene psbA in the floodwater of a Japanese rice field |
王光华 |
FEMS Microbiology Ecology |
2009 |
Survey of major capsid genes (g23) of T4-type bacteriophages in rice fields in Northeast China |
王光华 |
Soil Biology and Biochemistry |
2009 |
Survey of major capsid genes (g23) of T4-type bacteriophages in Japanese paddy field soils |
王光华 |
Soil Biology and Biochemistry |
2009 |
Changes in major capsid genes (g23) of T4-type bacteriophages with soil depth in two Japanese rice fields |
王光华 |
Biology and Fertility of Soils |
2009 |
Effect of soil type and soybean genotype on fungal community in soybean rhizosphere during reproductive growth stages |
王光华 |
Plant and Soil |
2009 |
Bacterial communities in soybean rhizosphere in response to soil type, soybean genotype, and their growth stage |
徐艳霞 |
Soil Biology and Biochemistry |
2009 |
Bacterial community structure in a Chinese Mollisol under long-term natural restoration, cropping and bare fallow history estimated by PCR-DGGE |
王光华 |
Pedosphere, |
2009 |
Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of the Bacterial Community in the Rhizosphere of Soybean Genotypes Grown in a Black Soil |
金剑 |
Pedosphere |
2009 |
Differentiating the early impacts of topsoil removal and soil amendments on crop performance/productivity of corn and soybean in eroded farmland of Chinese Mollisols |
隋跃宇 |
Field Crops Research |
2009 |
Aggregation stability and microbial activity of China’s black soils under different long-term fertilisation regimes |
苗淑杰 |
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research |
2009 |
Root and Microbial Contributions to Soil Respiration During a Soybean Growing Season |
乔云发 |
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis |
2009 |
Prediction of the diet composition and intake of sheep grazing soybean and maize residues |
孙海霞 |
Journal of Applied Animal Research |
2009 |
Carbon Dioxide Emission from Black Soil as Influenced by Land-Use Change and Long-Term Fertilization |
李海波 |
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis |
2009 |
The composition and organic carbon distribution of organo-mineral complex in a black soil as influenced by land-use change and long-term fertilization. |
韩晓增 |
Molecular environmental soil science at the interfaces in the earth’s critical zone |
2009 |
Impact on the fates of fertilizer Nitrogen of Different soil managements on black soil farmland |
韩晓增 |
UC Davis:The Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI |
2009 |
Effect of fertilization on yield of soybean in rotation and continuous cropping in Northeast China |
李晓慧 |
UC Davis:The Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI |
2009 |